Monday, June 4, 2012

Riverfront Walkway, Grand Rapids, MI

Great. The first week of my walks, and I already forgot to chronicle any of the paths with a camera. Sorry!  I'll try to do better from here on out.

I was able to get 68,715 steps in, which leaves me with 681,285 steps to go if I'm going to meet my goal. Yep, this is do-able.

I found myself wrapping the week up at the annual Eden Symposium at the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel in Grand Rapids, MI. One of the afternoons, we had about three hours to visit booths and buy books. I'm sorry, but there is nothing in a booth or a collection of booths that could possibly keep my attention for that long. Though cold and threatening rain outside, I couldn't resist sneaking off to my hotel room to grab my tennies and explore the paths close by.

My hotel map told me that there was a Riverfront Walkway right along the Grand River, which just happened to start at my hotel's back door. I saw some fishermen here and there, a couple of homeless people (I think -- or at least pop bottle collectors), and a few fellow walkers, all of whom seemed very friendly. I saw the back-sides of the children's museum, the Gerald R. Ford museum, and several high-rises and restaurants, but of course the truest beauty for me was the water.

My favorite spot was this little falls area. (Too bad I didn't have a camera!) A fisherman stood right in the middle of the river with his big wading boots on, fishing into the rapids. Someone had put a picnic table in the water there as well, on a ledge that seemed to be high enough up that the benches stayed dry. The sound. I wish I could mimic it. It was breathtaking. I couldn't resist stopping the walk and watching for awhile before I continued on.

The birds along this path seemed to be very protective of the area (or of their babies or something). In short, they saw me and any other human as intruders and did their best to keep us away. I never saw the bird that skimmed my head, but I let out an involuntary squawk that probably made her think twice before approaching the next walker. I'm sure it didn't stop her though, not if she had a nest of little chirpers to protect.

I began to think about God and His great love for us. (You had to know I would eventually go there.) The difference between us and the baby birds is that we're no longer helpless creatures with no way to get away from trouble. Both emotionally and spiritually, He has equipped us with strength, with reason, and His Word for guidance. In the NIV, I Corinthians 10:13 reads, "No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can endure it."

Claim this truth today. Rely on it. Don't blame circumstances for your failures, for your shortcomings, for your sins. God has equipped you with the way of escape so that you can live a victorious life in Him.

Enjoy your day. Enjoy this blog.

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