Wow! Can you believe that it's mid-month already? I wanted to let you know how things were going since we last talked.
Physically, I have had my on-days and my off-days as far as fiber intake. The days I've done it have felt great. In fact, as long as I start the day strong on fiber, I'm on a roll for the rest of the day, achieving the 30 gram goal with relative ease. Water intake has been going well, too, though I'm probably averaging closer to 64 oz. per day.
I have not done well with the exercise. Maybe I should start a little smaller and plan on an average of a half-hour a day, then add on from there...what do you think?
I've been going like gang-busters on the vitamins. In fact, I have been really educating myself on what vitamins and minerals (and hormones!) I need to make sure I'm doing all I can to give my body what it needs in that department.
Emotionally, I have been taking very good care of myself. I have experienced a nice work-life balance over the last couple of weeks, and I have worked some of my candles down to nubs! I even got the insence out. I have been truthful with myself and with those closest to me. I have invested in growing relationships.
Spiritually, I have been digging into Psalms; I've gotten about 30 chapters in, in the last two weeks. I have also been reading Bad Girls of the Bible and Reading the Women of the Bible. I have also been doing well on not eating more than I need at any meal...not perfect but good enough to brag about it a little.
Looking back on how I'm doing with everything, it looks like it's the physical area that I need to prop up a little. Not that I'll ignore the other areas, but my greatest focus will be in establishing consistency with the physical initiatives. Wish me luck.
Enjoy your day. Enjoy this blog.